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Having What You Need and Needing What You Have

                  Size and Quantity in a Bug Out Bag

Bug out Bags come in many sizes, shapes, and colors so it is a personal preference as to what yours will look like. When learning to be a prepper, you can take it to any degree you want to. Maybe you just want to take it to the level that it is something that you just practice on the weekends


There are people that live it every day of their lives and have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on being prepared. I’m not saying that is wrong by any means. If the SHTF, they will be safe from just about any kind of disaster.

Your bug out bag survival kit can be as small as a 5 pound pack and still have the food and water that will sustain your life for at least 72 hours.


Many people carry the small packs in their vehicle should they get stranded on the interstate or back roads going to or coming home from work. The small kits could be kept in your office or if you have a college student that travels back and forth on the weekends, make sure they have one in their vehicle.


The large bug out bags will have your food and water and shelter plus all the gear you will need to set up camp, start a fire, purify water, and whatever duties go along with living in the wild. The bag will have a small supply of fishing gear, snare wire to catch birds and small animals, and knives to clean your prey so you will have a source of food after your rations run out.


Both survival kits will have some type of warmth and shelter in them from polar blankets to sleeping bags and tents. They each will also have first aid kits but will vary in size and quality. Whichever bag you chose, keep it handy so you can grab it and go in a hurry. Here is a great site to read on survival gear reviews called that will help give you more detail.


Don’t stuff it in the back of your closet and leave it. If you have one of the small ones, keep it in the back seat on the floor instead of stuffing it in the trunk. You want it where you can reach it in a matter of minutes and you might not be able to get out of your vehicle to access it.


Your choice of bags is a personal one. Only you know what your plan of action is should a disaster hit. Maybe you would like a small one in your vehicle and keep your complete bug out bag at home. This is a great idea!


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